Thursday, August 27, 2015

Greenfield, sample pbs job scripts

This  is an example to run a serial job on Greenfield using PBS: 

#  Request 15 cores 
#  Note that this means the job will be allocated 750GB of memory 
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=15
#  Request 5 minutes of cpu time
#PBS -l walltime=30:00
#  Combine standard output and error into one file
#PBS -j oe 
set echo
module load R/3.2.1-mkl
# run my executable
R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example.R

And here is an example of “packing” several runs in one job,
so that they all run simultaneously. The output files should be all named different:

#  Request 15 cores 
#  Note that this means the job will be allocated 750GB of memory 
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=15
#  Request 5 minutes of cpu time
#PBS -l walltime=30:00
#  Combine standard output and error into one file
#PBS -j oe 
set echo
# Define where /tmp files will be written
module load R/3.2.1-mkl
# run my executable
numactl -C +0 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example0.R &
numactl -C +1 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example1.R &
numactl -C +2 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example2.R &
numactl -C +3 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example3.R &
numactl -C +4 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example4.R &
numactl -C +5 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example5.R &
numactl -C +6 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example6.R &
numactl -C +7 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example7.R &
numactl -C +8 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example8.R &
numactl -C +9 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example9.R &
numactl -C +10 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example10.R &
numactl -C +11 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example11.R &
numactl -C +12 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example12.R &
numactl -C +13 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example13.R &
numactl -C +14 R --vanilla --slave CMD BATCH ./example14.R &

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