Friday, March 15, 2024

robotixx talk

=> interactive learning

adaptive planner parameter learning (APPL)

use behavior cloning to tune any navigation stack

context problem, 

parameter learning

parameter policy

motion policy

=> in situ learning

reference trajectory versus real one
learning inverse kinodynamics

off-road autonomous driving

=> reflective learning (learning from hallucination)

self-supervised learning

=> SCAND; socially compliant navigation demonstration, large scale data set. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

single cell data on aging

 single cell 

yeast aging KO

worm aging RNAi 

fly aging KO

mouse aging KOMP

Saturday, March 2, 2024

CPSC 5100 theory of programming languages

Scott, M: Programming Language Pragmatics, 4th Edition.


Thanks for your time and effort on this, 


 “Programming Language Pragmatics” by Michael L. Scott 4th edition
its latest is from 2016 and the author/publisher both have support sites that are still maintained.  Its around $50