Thursday, September 29, 2022

mentorship versus advisement

 mentorship versus advisement

mentorship means the person as a whole. 

advisement is just the academic advisement. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

cpsc4180 20220928 Wed

 == pre-class to do: 

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q what topics or question should we discuss today? 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: not today

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

go over final topics in the shared spread sheets

set up breakout room for students to discuss 2022 midterm project 1 and 2. 

midterm project

final project

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Monday, September 26, 2022

cpsc4180 midterm and final topic discussion

 == pre-class to do: 

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q what topics or question should we discuss today? 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: not today

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

Go over screencast effort in rubric. 

set up breakout room for students to discuss 2022 midterm project 1 and 2. 

breakout room discussion on final project topic, coding problems. When breakout rooms are assigned randomly, some room end up with all quiet personalities, and it become really awkward. When people are free to join any room on their own, a third of the class joined the first room. 

4 breakout room : 18:17 --> 

TODO: Worksheet on final project topic. what references (background on importance)

google data set search

COVID-19 death by age and sex

CPSC4180 2022 09 26 Mon, final project discussion

 == pre-class to do: 

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q: what concept and skills do you think are useful today? do you find breakout room discussion helpful? questions on other videos. 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: not today

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 


set up breakout room for students to discuss final project topics

breakout room discussion on final project topic, coding problems. When breakout rooms are assigned randomly, some room end up with all quiet personalities, and it become really awkward. When people are free to join any room on their own, a third of the class joined the first room. 

TODO: Worksheet on final project topic. what references (background on importance)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

AllOfUs location

 state location

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

cpsc4180 Wed, midterm Q&A, final project topic discussion

== pre-class to do: 

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q: what concept and skills do you think are useful today? do you find breakout room discussion helpful? questions on other videos. 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: not today

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

Go over screencast effort in rubric. 

set up breakout room for students to discuss 2022 midterm project 1 and 2. 

breakout room discussion on final project topic, coding problems. When breakout rooms are assigned randomly, some room end up with all quiet personalities, and it become really awkward. When people are free to join any room on their own, a third of the class joined the first room. 

TODO: Worksheet on final project topic. what references (background on importance)

Monday, September 19, 2022

cpsc4180, midterm prep, final project discussion

 == pre-class to do: 

add 2021 midterm project 2 videos. DONE

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q: what concept and skills do you think are useful today? Many picked normalization. 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: not today

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

set up breakout room for students to discuss midterm project 2. 

midterm global regions partitions among students. 

previous student midterm videos
Worksheet on final project topic

Flip classroom: assign previous lectures on input, output, loops, simple stats. 


one student said that it feels nervous to talk and be video recorded. 

some breakout room discussion last longer. 

students asked how much screencast should be expected. I revised rubric to make this part 10pt. (Need to discuss this next time)

Monday, September 12, 2022

CPSC 4180, google mobility, covid19

 == pre-class to do: 

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): Q: what concept and skills do you think are useful today? Many picked normalization. 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: 

Test-run code: Rmd -> HTML report with content. 

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

Review Chapter 2

R-COVID19  Chapter 3. Google Mobility. 

zoom, turn live caption on, record

socrative review

Running in RStudio

Ch3 on JHUCovid19 analysis, with Google Mobility. 

Last year: 

 == pre-class to do: 

calendar email invitation: done

socrative questions (questions on contents from last lecture ): 

update Canvas course materials, update learning objectives. assignments as needed: done

Test-run code: Rmd -> HTML report with content. done

* GitHub has a connection problem today due to hurrican Ida?!. So, we have to download the jhu data manually. *

== In-class to do: 

clean up destktop space, calendars, 

ZOOM, live transcript (start video recording). 

Socrative sign in 

Review Chapter 2

R-COVID19  Chapter 3. Google Mobility. 

R cdcfluview package

Sunday, September 11, 2022

cnn filter, stride, paddling

# Create 10 random images of shape (1, 28, 28)
images = torch.rand(10, 1, 100, 50)

# Build 6 conv. filters
conv_filters = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=6, kernel_size=10, stride=4, padding=0)
torch.Size([10, 6, 23, 11])

conv_filters = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=6, kernel_size=5, stride=4, padding=0) # Convolve the image with the filters output_feature = conv_filters(images) print(output_feature.shape)
torch.Size([10, 6, 24, 12])

conv_filters = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=6, kernel_size=5, stride=5, padding=0) # Convolve the image with the filters output_feature = conv_filters(images) print(output_feature.shape)
torch.Size([10, 6, 20, 10])


Thursday, September 8, 2022

defense against inference attack

 defense against inference attack 

dropout in deep neural networks

model stacking, Model stacking is a major class of ensemble learning

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

cpsc4180 lec4

 zoom, turn live caption on, record

socrative review

Running in RStudio
go through JHU data set R, chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Next time, Ch3 on JHUCovid19 analysis, with Google Mobility. 

allofus research workbench

The 1 min summary? All of Us data are made available in a Curated Data Repository (CDR). Participants may contribute any combination of survey, physical measurement, and electronic health record data. Not all participants contribute all possible data types. Each unique piece of health data is given a unique identifier called a concept_id and organized into specific tables according to our Common Data Model. You can use these concept_ids to query the CDR and pull data on specific health topics relevant to your analysis. See the Researcher Workbench Support Hub section on Learning the Basics of the All of Us Dataset for more information.

What are concept sets?