# output basal loh and max loh
#postscript("05176.M34.ps",width=8, height=8);
file = "050306.M34.1.tab";
tb= read.table( file, header=T, sep="\t");
row.num = c(1:4, 5,5, 6,6, 7,7, 8:9, 10,10, 11,11, 12,12, 13,13, 14,14 );
tb2 = tb[row.num, ];
labels = names( tb );
#normalize tb2
for( j in 5:13 ) {
for( i in 1: length(tb2[,1]) ) {
tb2[i,j] = tb2[i,j] * tb2[i,2] * tb2[i,3];
#generate tb.m
n=length(tb2$t) / 2
col.end = 11;
tb.m = data.frame( matrix( nrow=n, ncol= col.end ) ) # mean values
names( tb.m ) = c( labels[ c(1, 5:13) ], "total" );
for( i in 1: length(tb.m[,1]) ) {
tb.m[i,1] = tb2$t[2*i -1]
#tb.sd[i,1] = tb.m[i, 1]
for( j in 2: 10 ) {
tb.m[i, j] = mean( tb2[ c(2*i-1, 2*i), j+3] )
#tb.sd[i,j] = sd( tb2[ c(2*i-1, 2*i), j+3] )
tb.m$total[i] = sum( tb.m[i, 2:10], na.rm=T );
# output to out,
# columns in out
header = c("t","half.over.black","Pb","R0.5", "R0.75", "s" );
out = data.frame( matrix( nrow= length(tb.m[,1]) , ncol= length(header) ) );
names( out ) = header;
out$t = tb.m$t; # "t"
#calculate the ratios and s
for( i in length(out[,1]):1 ) { #row
out$s[i] = tb.m$total[i] / tb.m$total[1]; #s
out[i,2] = tb.m$B0.5[i] / tb.m$black[i];
#calculate the risks (in contrast to percentages)
for( i in length(out[,1]):1 ) { #row
out$Pb[i] = tb.m$black[i] / tb.m$total[i]; # full blacks
out$R0.5[i] = tb.m$B0.5[i] / ( tb.m$total[i] - 2 * tb.m$black[i] ); # half blacks
###generate plots
tokens = unlist( strsplit(file, "/") );
shortfile = tokens[1];
#postscript( paste( "_", shortfile, "loh.042506.ps", sep=".") );
#plot the ratio
y.max = max( out[,2], na.rm=T ) * 1.2;
y.min = min( out[,2], na.rm=T ) ;
cols = c("blue","black","green");
if ( y.max == Inf ) { y.max = 7; };
plot(out[,2] ~ out$t,type='l', col=cols[1],
main= paste( shortfile, " ", "Half vs Full Blacks" ),
ylim=c(y.min, y.max), xlab="t (hours)",ylab="Half/Full Ratio");
#overlay viability plot.
plot( out$s ~ out$t,type='l',xlab="",ylab="",axes=F,lty=2);
#plot the percentage and risks
y.max = max( out[,3:4], na.rm=T ) * 1.2;
y.min = min( out[,3:4], na.rm=T ) ;
plot(out$Pb ~ out$t, type='l', col=cols[2],
ylim=c(y.min, y.max), xlab="",ylab="",axes=F);
lines( out[,4] ~ out$t, col=cols[3] );
axis(4, at=pretty(c(y.min, y.max)) );
mtext("Percentage", side=4, line=3);
labels = c("Half/Full", "P(full)", "R(1/2)", "viability");
ltypes = c(1,1,1,2);
legend( 0, y.max * 0.8, labels, col=c(cols,"black"), lty = ltypes);
#} ###file loop####
# q("no");