# modified from _050307.plot.YPS163.030906.R
#050307 exp.id added
file = "M5.032906.tab";
exp.id = "M5.032906";
logistical.viability <- function( T, w, t ) { ret <- 1 /( 1 + ( t / T )^ w ); }
logistical.mortality <- function( T, w, t ) { ( w * t^(w-1) ) / (( 1 + (t/T)^w ) * T^w ); }
logistical.black <- function(b.max, b.min, T, w, t ) { ret <- b.max - (b.max - b.min) /( 1 + ( t / T )^ w ); }
derivative.black <- function(b.max, b.min, T, w, t) { (b.max - b.min) * w * (t^(w -1)) / ((1 + (t / T )^w)^2 * T^w ); }
genome.integrity <- function(b.max, b.min, T, w, t) { 2 * (b.max - b.min) / (1 + (t/T)^w) + (1 - 2 * b.max); }
tb= read.table( file, header=T, sep="\t", fill=T);
tb$t = tb$t / 24;
tb2 = tb;
labels = names( tb );
#tb2$B0.5[22]=1; ###########a upper limit for B0.5
### remove last point, regrowth?
#tb2 = tb2[1:27, ]
#normalize tb2
tmp.indice = seq( 1 : length(labels) );
names( tmp.indice ) = labels;
for( j in tmp.indice["white"] : length(labels) ) {
#for( j in 5:13 ) {
for( i in 1: length(tb2[,1]) ) {
if ( is.na(tb2[i,j] ) ) { tb2[i,j] = 0; }
tb2[i,j] = tb2[i,j] * tb2[i,2] * tb2[i,3];
#generate row indice for averaging
# row.num = c( 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9:15 );
row.steps = as.vector( table( tb2$t ) ); # a new trick, ha
#generate tb.m
n.row = length( row.steps );
col.labels = c( labels[ c(1,tmp.indice["white"] : length(labels)) ], "total" ); ######## bug here 091806
#col.end = 11;
tb.m = data.frame( matrix( nrow=n.row, ncol= length(col.labels) ) ) # mean values
names( tb.m ) = col.labels;
upper.row = 0; #up pointer
lower.row = 0; #low pointer
for( i in 1:n.row ) {
upper.row = lower.row + 1;
lower.row = upper.row + row.steps[ i ] - 1 ;
tb.m[i,1] = tb2$t[ upper.row ]
for( j in 2: ( length(col.labels) - 1 ) ) {
tb.m[i, j] = mean( tb2[ upper.row : lower.row, j+3] )
tb.m$total[i] = sum( tb.m[i, 2:( length(col.labels) - 1 )], na.rm=T );
### get the standard errors of whites and blacks #################### 091306 change
upper.row = 0; #up pointer
lower.row = 0; #low pointer
sd.w = numeric( n.row );
sd.b = numeric( n.row );
sd.b05 = numeric( n.row);
for( i in 1:n.row ) {
upper.row = lower.row + 1;
lower.row = upper.row + row.steps[ i ] - 1 ;
if ( ( lower.row - upper.row ) > 0 ) {
sd.w[i] = sd( tb2$white[ upper.row : lower.row] ) ;
sd.b[i] = sd( tb2$black[ upper.row : lower.row] ) ;
sd.b05[i] = sd( tb2$B0.5[ upper.row : lower.row] ) ;
tb.m$sd.w = sd.w
tb.m$sd.b = sd.b
tb.m$sd.b05 = sd.b05
# output to out,
# columns in out
#old# header = c("t","half.over.black","Pb","Rb","R0.5", "R0.75", "s", "g" );
header = c("t","Pb","s", "g","m","Rb","R0.5", "L" ); ### L = rate(1/2) / rate(black)
out = data.frame( matrix( nrow= length(tb.m[,1]) , ncol= length(header) ) );
names( out ) = header;
out$t = tb.m$t; # "t"
#######calculate s , g
out$s = tb.m$total / tb.m$total[1]
out$Pb = tb.m$black / tb.m$total;
out$g = 1 - 2 * out$Pb;
out$e.s = out$s * (tb.m$sd.w / tb.m$white);
out$e.b = out$Pb * (tb.m$sd.b / tb.m$black);
out$R0.5.raw = tb.m$B0.5 /tb.m$total; #needs to be adjusted by g.e
out$e.b05 = out$R0.5.raw * ( tb.m$sd.b05 / tb.m$B0.5)
### out$e.b05[c(13,14)] = c(0.005, 0.003); ####030707 change
### plot of the raw data
plot( out$s ~ out$t , type='l', main= file, col="blue");
lines( out$Pb ~ out$t, col="black");
labels = c("viability","black");
ltypes = c(1,1);
legend( (max(out$t)*0.7 ), 0.8, labels, col=c("blue", "black"), lty = ltypes);
####### remove outliers#######################
#out$t[c(10:12)] = NA;
#out = out[ (! is.na(out$t) ), ]
######## calclulate T0.5 w_s
t= out$t
s= out$s
fm.s <- gnls( s ~ 1 /( 1 + ( t / v )^ w ) , start = list( v = 5, w = 11 ) );
fm.s # this the half life T1/2 w_s
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
fit.m = logistical.mortality ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( out$s ~ out$t );
lines( fit.s ~ t, col="blue");
plot( fit.m ~ t, col="brown", axe=F);
#estimate errors for s
error.s = out$s - logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], out$t );
error.s = abs(error.s)
out$e.s = ifelse( out$e.s==0, error.s, out$e.s );
out$e.s= ifelse( out$e.s<0.01, 0.01, out$e.s );
######## calclulate T_g and w_g using Pb
# Pb = b.max - (b.max-b.min) / (1 + (t/T.g)^w)
b = out$Pb
t = out$t;
b.min = min( b ); b.min # 0.00705687
b.max = max( b ); b.max # 0.3482697
b.min = 0.002;
b.max = 0.31;
w.g = 12;
#my.fun = function (t, T.g) { b.max - (b.max - b.min) /( 1 + ( t / T.g )^ w.g ); }
my.fun = function (t,T.g, w.g) { b.max - (b.max - b.min) /( 1 + ( t / T.g )^ w.g ); }
# ws = 1 / out$e.b ^ 2
##### Pr[B>=b] = b.max - (b.max - b.min) /( 1 + ( t / T )^ w ) ########formula for cumulative Pr(b)
#fm.b = gnls( b ~ 0.0633694 - (0.0633694 - 0.008868349) / (1 + (t/T.g)^w ), start=list( T.g=5, w=3), weights = ws);
#fm.b = gnls( b ~ my.fun(t, T.g), start=list( T.g=5) );
fm.b = gnls( b ~ my.fun(t, T.g, w.g), start=list( T.g=5, w.g=12) );
T.g = fm.b$coefficients[1];
w.g = fm.b$coefficients[2]; #?????????
#estimate error for black
error.b = out$Pb - logistical.black( b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, out$t);
error.b = abs( error.b );
out$e.b = ifelse( out$e.b==0, error.b, out$e.b );
out$e.b = ifelse( is.na(out$e.b), error.b, out$e.b );
# out$e.b[c(13,14)] = c(0.1, 0.05); ##???
### logistical.black <- function(b.max, b.min, T, w, t ) { ret <- b.max - (b.max - b.min) /( 1 + ( t / T )^ w ); }
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.b = logistical.black( b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, t);
plot( out$Pb ~ out$t );
lines( fit.b ~ t, col="blue");
###################overlay s, Pb,
pdf("080707.032906M5.s.Pblog.pdf", width=6, height=6)
xlim = c(0,17)
plot( out$s ~ out$t, col="blue", xlab="t (days)",ylab="Viability", ylim=c(1E-3, 1.2), pch=16, xlim=xlim );
#title (file); ############change here
arrows( out$t, (out$s - out$e.s), out$t, (out$s + out$e.s), length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="blue" );
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
lines( fit.s ~ t, col="blue",lty=2);
cols =c("blue","black" );
pch =c(16,15)
legend( 10 , 0.5 ,labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 12, 0.55, exp.id);
T.c = fm.s$coefficients[1]
points( T.c, 0.5, pch=19, col="red", cex=1.2 );
arrows( T.c, 0.5, T.c, -1, lty=2, col="red");
mtext( "Tc",side=1,at=c(T.c) );
fit.b = logistical.black( b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, t);
ylim = c( 5E-4, b.max*1.5 )
#points( out$t, out$Pb, pch=15, xlab="",ylab="", ylim=ylim );
plot( out$Pb ~ out$t, xlab="",ylab="",ylim=ylim, pch=15, xlim=xlim, log='y',axes=F );
arrows( out$t, (out$Pb - out$e.b), out$t, (out$Pb + out$e.b), length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1 );
lines( fit.b ~ t, lty=2);
axis(4, at=c( 1E-3, 1E-2, 1E-1, 0.5, 1) )
mtext( "b(t)", 4, 2);
points ( T.g, ( b.max/2 + b.min/2), pch=15, col="red", cex=1.2);
arrows( T.g, (b.max/2 + b.min/2), T.g, 1E-8, lty=2, col="red" );
mtext( "Tg",side=1,at=c(T.g) );
mtext( "Tg",side=1,at=c(T.g) );
###################overlay s, m, Pb, Rb
pdf("081207.032906M5.r.m.pdf", width=6, height=6)
xlim = c(0,17)
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.dPb = derivative.black(b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, t ); #first point is Inf
fit.g = genome.integrity(b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, t );
fit.Rb = fit.dPb / fit.g; ### rate of becoming blacks
fit.r = 2 * fit.Rb; ###081207 r == genomic instability rate
plot( fit.r ~ t, col="black", xlab = "t (days)", ylab="Instability rate", type='l', xlim=xlim);
# title (file);
fit.m = logistical.mortality ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.m ~ t, col="red", axe=F, xlab="",ylab="", type='l', xlim=xlim);
axis(4, at=pretty(fit.m) )
mtext( "Mortality rate", 4, 2);
cols =c( "black", "red", "blue")
labels =c("instability rate", "mortality rate", "viability")
ltypes =c(1,1,2,1)
pch =c( NA, NA,NA,16,15,)
legend( 7 , max(fit.m)/4, labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 9, max(fit.m)/4 + 0.1, exp.id);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.s ~ t, col="blue",lty=2, axes=F, xlab="",ylab="", type='l', xlim=xlim);
#axis(4, at=pretty(range(fit.s)))
#fit.b = logistical.black( b.max, b.min, fm.b$coefficients[1], fm.b$coefficients[2], t);
#points( out$Pb ~ out$t, pch=15 );
#arrows( out$t, (out$Pb - out$e.b), out$t, (out$Pb + out$e.b), length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1 );
#lines( fit.b ~ t, lty=2);
#lines( fit.g ~ t, col="green")
################################## tmp codes
##calculate Rb = d(Pb)/dt
# derivative.black <- function(b.max, b.min, T, w, t) { (b.max - b.min) * w * t ^(w -1) / (1 + (t / T ))^2; }
#out$dPb = derivative.black(b.max, b.min, fm.b$coefficients[1], fm.b$coefficients[2], out$t ); #first point is Inf
#out$Rb = out$dPb / out$g.e; ### rate of becoming blacks
#fit.dPb = derivative.black(b.max, b.min, fm.b$coefficients[1], fm.b$coefficients[2], t ); #first point is Inf
#fit.g = genome.integrity(b.max, b.min, fm.b$coefficients[1], fm.b$coefficients[2], t );
#fit.Rb = fit.dPb / fit.g; ### rate of becoming blacks
#plot( fit.Rb ~ t, col="black", xlab ="", ylab="", type='l', axes=F, lty=2);
#axis(4, at=pretty(fit.Rb) )
#mtext( "black rate", 4, 2);
pdf("100207.032906M5.b0.5log.pdf", width=6, height=6)
out$e.b05[7] = out$e.b05[6] /2 + out$e.b05[8] /2
out$g.e = genome.integrity(b.max, b.min, T.g, w.g, out$t );
out$R0.5 = out$R0.5.raw / out$g.e; #### 090706 change
ylim = c(1E-5, 0.1)
plot( out$R0.5 ~ out$t, col="green", xlab="t (days)",ylab="b1/2(t)", type='l',lty=2, ylim=ylim,xlim=xlim,log='y' );
# title (file); ############change here
points( out$R0.5 ~ out$t, col="green", pch=16);
# arrows( out$t, (out$R0.5 - out$e.b05), out$t, (out$R0.5 + out$e.b05), length=0.05, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="blue" );
ylow = (out$R0.5 - out$e.b05);
ylow[ ylow<=0] = 1E-5;
yup = (out$R0.5 + out$e.b05);
arrows( out$t, ylow, out$t, yup, length=0.05, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="green" );
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.s ~ t, col="blue", type='l',lty=2, axes=F, xlab="",ylab="", xlim=xlim );
axis(4, at=pretty(range(fit.s)))
mtext( "Viability", 4, 2);
#add labels here
cols =c("blue","green");
labels=c("viability", "b1/2(t)")
pch =c( NA,16,NA, 16)
legend( 12 , 0.3 ,labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 14, 0.35, exp.id);
pdf("081007.032906M5.L.pdf", width=6, height=6)
out$L = out$R0.5 / out$Pb ;
out$e.L = out$L * sqrt( (out$e.b05 / out$R0.5)^2 + (out$e.b / out$Pb)^2)
#ylim = c(1E-3, max(out$L[2:length(out$L)])*1.7 )
ylim =c(1E-2, 5);
#plot( out$L ~ out$t, col="red", xlab="t(days)", ylab="L(t)", pch=16, type='l', xlim=xlim,ylim=c(0,1) );
plot( out$L ~ out$t, col="red", xlab="t(days)", ylab="L(t)", pch=16, type='l', xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim, log='' );
points( out$t, out$L, pch=16, col="red" );
arrows( out$t, (out$L - out$e.L), out$t, (out$L + out$e.L), length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="red" );
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.s ~ t, col="blue", type='l',lty=2, axes=F, xlab="",ylab="", xlim=xlim );
axis(4, at=pretty(range(fit.s)))
mtext( "Viability", 4, 2);
cols =c("blue","red");
pch =c( NA,NA,NA, 16)
legend( 10 , 0.8 ,labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 11.5, 0.85, exp.id );
pdf("072207.032906M5.Fb.pdf", width=6, height=6)
e.fb = tb.m$sd.b;
e.fb[6] = e.fb[6]*0.8;
ylim = c(min(tb.m$black)/2, max(tb.m$black)*2 ); ##050307
plot( tb.m$black ~ tb.m$t, col="black", type='l',lty=1, xlab="t (days)",ylab="Concentration of blacks", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim);
arrows( tb.m$t, (tb.m$black - e.fb), tb.m$t, (tb.m$black + e.fb), length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="red" );
points( tb.m$t, tb.m$black, pch=16);
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.s ~ t, col="blue", type='l',lty=2, axes=F, xlab="",ylab="", xlim=xlim );
axis(4, at=pretty(range(fit.s)))
mtext( "Viability", 4, 2);
cols =c("blue","black");
labels=c("viability","Concen. black")
pch =c( NA,16,NA, 16)
legend( 10 , 0.8 ,labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 11.5, 0.85, exp.id);
pdf("080707.032906M5.Fb.F0.5.pdf", width=6, height=6)
e.fb = tb.m$sd.b;
e.fb[2] = e.fb[2]*0.6;
y.scale = 1E3;
#ylim = c(min(tb.m$black / y.scale)/2, max(tb.m$black / y.scale)*2 ); ##050307
ylim = c( 0.1, max(tb.m$black / y.scale)*2 ); ##080707
plot( tb.m$black / y.scale ~ tb.m$t, col="black", type='l',lty=1, xlab="t (days)",ylab="Cells per ml / 10^3", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, log='');
arrows( tb.m$t, (tb.m$black - e.fb)/y.scale, tb.m$t, (tb.m$black + e.fb)/y.scale, length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="red" );
points( tb.m$t, tb.m$black/y.scale, pch=16);
e.05 = tb.m$sd.b05;
e.05[7] = e.05[6] /2 + e.05[8] /2
#ylim = c(min(tb.m$B0.5 / y.scale)/2, max(tb.m$B0.5 / y.scale)*1.5 );
plot( tb.m$B0.5/y.scale ~ tb.m$t, col="green", type='l',lty=1, axes=F, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="",ylab="",log='');
arrows( tb.m$t, (tb.m$B0.5 - e.05)/y.scale, tb.m$t, (tb.m$B0.5 + e.05)/y.scale, length=0.1, angle=90,code=3, lty=1, col="blue" );
points( tb.m$t, tb.m$B0.5/y.scale, pch=16, col="green");
# axis(4, at = pretty(range(ylim)))
# mtext( "Half-blacks per ml/ 10^3", 4, 2);
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.s = logistical.viability ( fm.s$coefficients[1], fm.s$coefficients[2], t );
plot( fit.s ~ t, col="blue", type='l',lty=2, axes=F, xlab="",ylab="", xlim=xlim );
cols =c("blue","black", "green");
labels=c("viability","blacks per ml", "1/2 blacks per ml")
pch =c( NA,16,16,16)
legend( 9 , 0.8 ,labels, col=cols, lty=ltypes, pch=pch);
text( 11.5, 0.85, exp.id);
###this did not work out
L = out$L[2:length(out$L)]; t=out$t[2:length(out$L)];
L = c( 0, L); t = c(0, t);
fm.L = gnls( L ~ A * exp(B*t) + C, start=list( A=0.005, B=0.5, C=0.005) );
t = seq(0, max(out$t),by=0.1);
fit.L = fm.L$coefficients[1] * exp( fm.L$coefficients[2] * t) + fm.L$coefficients[3]
lines( fit.L ~ t, col="red", lty=2);
# out$e.b05 = ifelse( out$e.b05==0, out$R0.5 * (out$e.b/out$Pb), out$e.b05 );
# out$e.dPb = out$dPb * (out$e.b / out$Pb) ## I use out$e.b as proxy