Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Install GitHub with free GUI for a Mountain Lion computer

Goal: Install GitHub on a os 10.7.5 system (Mountain Lion).

From http://git-scm.com/download/mac, it automatically downloaded  "git-".  Installed the pkg file.

From mac.github.com, download the free GUI. File "mac_GitHub for Mac 111.zip" was downloaded. Unzip this file give the GitHub application.

This was shown to be an "Application", so I dragged it to "Application" folder. Double-click this application, the following welcome window was shown.

Then it asked for name and email that will be used in the commits. It seems that a public email address has to be used. So, I chose hqinlab@gmail.com. I am not sure whether the name is the Github username or not, I input my username.

I then click "Intall Command Line Interface", and the root password was asked.

Then, it indicated that github tool was installed at /usr/local/bin/github.
"Continue" and it ask for Github username and password.

I entered github username and password, click "log in",

Confirmed this, and Continue.

I chose test to check the installation.

After 'pushing' the commit, I saw the 'test' repository on my GitHub page. Good. The installation is completed.

I then want to clone my existing repository on GitHub. It worked. Now, how to make the local copy a master-repository? It seems it clone the repository as 'master' by default under my GitHub account, which can be seen at the right corner of the bottom panel of the GUI window. 

Although GUI-GitHub is easy to use, I had trouble to sync large folder using the GUI interface. In contrast, command line seem to work better.
 $ git push --force origin master

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