Wednesday, August 17, 2016

CESC beginning of the school memo

Dear CECS faculty,

Welcome back! Some beginning of semester reminders. Please read through the following carefully and let your department head know if you have any questions.

·         Prior to the first day of your class, visit your classroom or laboratory, check equipment/lab setups, and make any necessary classroom/laboratory preparation requests to your departmental assistant.  Classes start on August 22.

·         Before the 22nd of August, course syllabi should be posted to UTC Learn and sent to your departmental administrative assistant. Template for syllabi can be found:

·         Inform your departmental administrative assistant office hours for your course for posting before the first day of your class.

·         Review your course assessment plan (must support ABET and SACS accreditation efforts).

·         On the first day of the class, review the syllabus, course goals and objectives, and expectations.

·         An initial meeting between departmental faculty mentors and junior tenure-track faculty is encouraged.  A meeting of the mentors and mentees has been set for September 29th at 3 p.m. in the Maytag Conference Room.  Additional information will be sent by the Department Heads.

·         The fall Faculty Forum is scheduled on  Thursday, September 8 at 3 p.m. in the Maytag Conference Room, EMCS 426.  Please plan to attend.  An agenda will follow prior to the meeting date.

If you are teaching a lab course:

·         You must attend a lab safety training, if you have not already done so. No exceptions. They are currently scheduled as follows:
Today, Aug. 17th – 1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Aug. 18 – 9 a.m.       
           Aug. 19th – 9 a.m.
sessions will be held in the Maytag Conf. Room EMCS 426

·         Lab Course Syllabi must include the lab safety agreement. You will need to cover this policy with the students and have them sign the attached form. Your syllabus should also include a link to the following lab safety manual:

·         Lab students must be shown the CECS lab training video on first day of lab. The video can be accessed via this link:  Students must take quiz and pass the test to gain access to your course laboratory.  A pass list must be sent to  your Department  Administrative Assistants by the end of first week of class.

No student swipe card access will be granted until this is complete. Lab quiz info can be found here.

At the bottom of the page, under the heading Lab Safety Quiz info for Faculty, there are two links. The first one is a zip file which contains everything you need in order to upload the safety quiz to UTC Learn. The second one is a power point with instructions on how to use the zip file.

·         The campus bookstore has arranged for a “lab packet” including goggles, earplugs, and dust masks. Purchase of the CECS Lab Pack will be required for all lab courses, so please include on your syllabus. The price is around ten dollars.

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