Tuesday, August 6, 2024

EasyChair extended abstract review


  • Score: Choose a score from the given scale.
    • 3: Strong Accept
    • 2: Accept
    • 1: Weak Accept
    • 0: Borderline Paper
    • -1: Weak Reject
    • -2: Reject
    • -3: Strong Reject
  • Justification: Provide a detailed review including justifications for the score given. Consider the following aspects in your review:
    • Relevance to Conference Themes: Evaluate how well the abstract aligns with the conference themes.
    • Originality and Innovation: Assess the novelty and innovative aspects of the research.
    • Scientific Rigor and Methodology: Examine the robustness of the research methods and analysis.
    • Clarity and Quality of Writing: Consider how clearly the abstract is written and the quality of the presentation.
    • Significance and Impact: Evaluate the potential impact of the research on the field.
    • Results and Evidence: Brief but clear, and appropriate for the type of submission 
    • References and Citations: Check the adequacy and relevance of the literature cited.

Reviewer's Confidence

  • Select your confidence level in reviewing this abstract:
    • 5: Expert
    • 4: High
    • 3: Medium
    • 2: Low
    • 1: None

Confidential Remarks for the Program Committee

  • Optional Field: Provide any additional remarks intended only for the program committee members. These remarks will not be shared with the authors.
    • Include any concerns or comments that could help the program committee in making their decision.
    • Highlight any specific strengths or weaknesses that are critical for the 


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