Friday, September 20, 2024

ODU Smarter Proctoring


When we set up the SmarterProctoring options for the exams, we as the faculty get to designate what we consider to be the acceptable proctoring options.  The ones I generally recommend are 

  • Institution Testing Centers [this includes our own College of science Testing Center in the Perry Library]
  • NCTA Testing Centers
  • Professional Testing Centers
  • Military Base Testing Center
  • High School Testing Center
  • Testing Administrator (College, University or Private Testing Service)
  • Librarian (Public Library)
  • Military Personnel
  • Professional Education Center
  • Live Online Proctoring    [a SmarterProctoring staff member watching them through their webcam and screen capture software]


The Smarter Proctoring staff at ODU can assist students with finding a tutor convenient to their geographic area.  


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