Sunday, September 22, 2024

self attention of protein language model versus distance map from protein structure


In protein language transformer models used for structure prediction, the self-attention matrices represent important relationships and interactions between different amino acid positions in the protein sequence. Specifically:

1. The self-attention mechanism allows the model to weigh the importance of different positions in the sequence when encoding information about a particular amino acid[1][2]. 

2. Each element in the self-attention matrix corresponds to how much one position in the sequence attends to or influences another position.

3. Higher attention weights between two positions suggest those amino acids are more likely to be in contact or spatially close in the 3D structure of the protein[1][2].

4. The attention patterns learned by the model often correspond to biologically meaningful interactions, such as:

   - Local structural motifs

   - Long-range contacts between residues

   - Functionally important regions or binding sites

5. Multiple attention heads in the transformer can capture different types of relationships, allowing the model to learn diverse aspects of protein structure[1].

6. The self-attention matrices effectively build an implicit representation of the protein's contact map and structural features, without explicitly being trained on structural data[2].

7. By analyzing the attention patterns, researchers can gain insights into how the model is capturing structural information purely from sequence data[1][2].

In essence, the self-attention matrices in these models serve as a learned representation of the underlying structural relationships in proteins, enabling accurate structure prediction from sequence alone. This capability has made transformer-based protein language models highly effective for tasks like contact prediction and full 3D structure modeling.










The self-attention maps from protein language models and distance maps from protein structures have some interesting similarities and differences:


1. Both represent relationships between amino acid positions in a protein sequence.

2. They can capture long-range interactions between residues that are far apart in the linear sequence but close in 3D structure.

3. Higher values in both types of maps often correspond to residues that are spatially close or functionally related in the protein structure.

4. Both can provide insights into protein structure and function without requiring full 3D coordinates.

5. They are typically represented as 2D matrices where each element corresponds to a pair of residues.


1. Origin of information:

   - Self-attention maps are learned from sequence data alone

   - Distance maps are calculated directly from 3D structural coordinates

2. Nature of values:

   - Self-attention values represent learned importance/relevance between positions

   - Distance map values represent actual physical distances (usually in Angstroms)

3. Interpretation:

   - Self-attention patterns can capture various types of relationships (structural, functional, evolutionary) 

   - Distance maps specifically represent spatial proximity in the folded structure

4. Symmetry:

   - Self-attention maps are not necessarily symmetrical

   - Distance maps are symmetrical (distance from A to B equals distance from B to A)

5. Precision:

   - Self-attention maps provide more qualitative information

   - Distance maps give precise quantitative distance measurements

6. Multiple representations:

   - Protein language models often have multiple attention heads, each potentially capturing different aspects of relationships

   - A protein structure typically has one definitive distance map

7. Evolutionary information:

   - Self-attention can potentially capture evolutionary relationships from training on many sequences

   - Distance maps represent a single structural state

In essence, while both types of maps can provide insights into protein structure, self-attention maps from language models offer a learned representation of sequence relationships that can go beyond just structural information, while distance maps provide direct, quantitative structural information derived from known 3D coordinates.










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