Tuesday, July 30, 2024

encoder and decoder, BERT and GPT model



BERT and scGPT use different architectures (encoder-only and decoder-only, respectively) due to their specific pre-training objectives and intended applications. Here's an explanation of why each model uses its chosen architecture and how it relates to their pre-training:

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers):

1. Encoder-only architecture:

   - BERT uses only the encoder part of the transformer architecture.

   - This allows for bidirectional processing of input text, meaning it can look at both left and right context simultaneously.

2. Pre-training objective:

   - Masked Language Modeling (MLM): BERT is trained to predict masked tokens in a sentence, given both left and right context.

   - Next Sentence Prediction (NSP): It also predicts whether two sentences follow each other in the original text.

3. Relation to pre-training:

   - The encoder-only architecture is well-suited for these tasks because they require understanding the full context of a sentence or pair of sentences.

   - Bidirectional attention allows BERT to capture complex relationships between words in a sentence, which is crucial for predicting masked tokens accurately.

4. Intended use:

   - BERT is designed for tasks that require deep understanding of text, such as classification, named entity recognition, and question answering.

   - It's not meant for text generation tasks.

scGPT (Single-Cell Generative Pre-trained Transformer):

1. Decoder-only architecture:

   - scGPT uses only the decoder part of the transformer architecture.

   - This allows for autoregressive prediction, where each token is predicted based on the previous tokens.

2. Pre-training objective:

   - Generative pre-training: scGPT is trained to predict gene expression values in a forced sequential manner.

   - It uses a specialized attention masking technique to handle non-sequential single-cell data.

3. Relation to pre-training:

   - The decoder-only architecture is well-suited for this task because it allows the model to generate expression values one at a time, considering the previously generated values.

   - This approach enables the model to capture complex dependencies between genes and learn cell-type specific patterns.

4. Intended use:

   - scGPT is designed for tasks related to single-cell multi-omics data, such as cell type annotation, multi-omics integration, and perturbation prediction.

   - It can generate unknown gene expression values given known gene values or generate whole genome expression given a known cell type condition.

In summary, the choice of encoder-only for BERT and decoder-only for scGPT is directly related to their pre-training objectives and intended applications. BERT's bidirectional processing is ideal for understanding context in natural language, while scGPT's autoregressive approach is suitable for generating gene expression values in single-cell data. These architectural choices allow each model to excel in its specific domain and tasks.


[1] https://vaclavkosar.com/ml/Encoder-only-Decoder-only-vs-Encoder-Decoder-Transfomer

[2] https://datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/65241/why-is-the-decoder-not-a-part-of-bert-architecture

[3] https://ai.stackexchange.com/questions/41505/which-situation-will-helpful-using-encoder-or-decoder-or-both-in-transformer-mod

[4] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/transformer-architectures-dummies-part-2-decoder-only-bhaskar-t-hj9xc

[5] https://www.reddit.com/r/MLQuestions/comments/l1eiuo/when_would_we_use_a_transformer_encoder_only/

No, scGPT's masked training approach is not similar to BERT's. While both models use masking techniques, they differ significantly in their implementation and purpose:

1. BERT's Masked Language Model (MLM):

   - BERT randomly masks tokens in the input sequence and predicts these masked tokens.

   - It uses bidirectional context, looking at both left and right contexts to predict the masked tokens.

   - This approach is designed for understanding the full context of text in natural language processing tasks.

2. scGPT's Specialized Attention Masking:

   - scGPT uses a unique attention masking technique designed specifically for non-sequential single-cell data[1].

   - It supports both gene-prompt and cell-prompt generations in a unified way.

   - The masking defines the order of prediction based on attention scores, not on sequential order as in text.

   - It allows attention computation only between embeddings of "known genes" and the query gene itself[1].

Key differences:

1. Purpose: BERT's masking is for understanding context in text, while scGPT's is for generating gene expression values in non-sequential data.

2. Directionality: BERT is bidirectional, while scGPT uses a form of forced sequential prediction in non-sequential data.

3. Prediction target: BERT predicts masked tokens, while scGPT predicts gene expression values.

4. Context use: BERT uses full context, while scGPT uses known genes to predict unknown genes iteratively.

5. Architecture: BERT is an encoder-only model, while scGPT is a decoder-only model, more similar to GPT architectures[1].

In summary, while both use masking, scGPT's approach is specifically tailored for single-cell genomic data and is fundamentally different from BERT's text-based masking approach.


[1] https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.30.538439v1.full

[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/deeplearning/comments/17gmtxr/bert_explained_training_masked_language_model/

[3] https://softteco.com/blog/bert-vs-chatgpt

[4] https://blog.invgate.com/gpt-3-vs-bert

[5] https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.04.30.538439v2.full

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