Tuesday, July 23, 2024

SLP hpc log



module load transformers/4.41

crun -p ~/envs/SLP.new python mycode.py

slurm job. 

[hqin@wahab-01 ~/SLPsummer24]$ cat whi*sh
#!/bin/bashecho -n "Run whisher small job "hostnamemodule load transformers/4.41crun -p ~/envs/SLP.new python ~/SLPsummer24/whisper_transcribe_small.py

revised slurm job
[hqin@wahab-01 ~/SLPsummer24]$ cat *sh#!/bin/bash#SBATCH --job-name=smallWhisper # Specify the job name#SBATCH --partition=gpu # Specify the GPU partition#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 # Request 1 GPU#SBATCH -c 4 # Request 4 CPU cores#SBATCH --time=24:00:00 # Set a time limit for the job#SBATCH --output=hq-whisper-small.out # Output fileecho -n "Run whisher small job "hostnamemodule load transformers/4.41crun -p ~/envs/SLP.new python ~/SLPsummer24/whisper_transcribe_small.py

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