Friday, January 11, 2013

Seven steps to improve teaching, Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor, Seven steps to improve teaching

step 1. Improve student's future orientation.
      Helping students see themselves in the future improve their learning.
step 2: Identify class goals / link to student goals
step 3: Improve student understanding of class expectations
step 4: Move content learning out of class
step 5: Create the necessity of preparing for and attending class
     50% of the grade should be preparation, advocated by Taylor.
     Assignment should be appropriate for the learners.
step 6: Increase classroom learning activity and engagement
step 7: Improve assessments and accountability

For class management, choose a bell, a trumpet, or a gong to start and stop students.
Taylor used Pink-up (or power-up) get people engaged.  Taylor used paper, scissor, and rock to decide roles among teams.

Taylor emphasized Responsibility, Compliance, Activity, and Construction. To change student attitude, getting people do it can make people really care, suggested Taylor.

 Taylor's articles on teaching

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