Wednesday, February 1, 2017

UTC, CPSC course assessment sheet

Computer and Engineering Course Assessment Sheet:
Course Number – Course Name

Outcome X: Definition of the Outcome:
Put definition of outcome here.  This should be the standard definition – no improvision
Course Number and Name of the Course: XXXXX
Catalog description of the course:

Catalog description goes here.  This should be taken from the most recent catalog

Competencies to measure Outcome X:

a)      You have been given a table of the outcomes and it should be exact here.

Target: Meets or exceed expectations is equal to or greater than 70% if 1000 or 2000 and 80% if 3000 or 4000.

Implementation Plan (timeline): semester and year
Key/Responsible Personnel: Your name


List the competency being assessed.  This should match one of the entries above.

Student Artifact Used: The exam or assignment used, the question number followed by the question written out.

Meets or Above Expectations: % (percentage for this question only)

Above Expectations:                           % (percentage for this question only)
            Meets Expectations:                            % (percentage for this question only)
Below Expectations:                            % (percentage for this question only)

Results: Target Achievement: Achieved or not achieved.
Recommendations: No recommendations are needed or specify recommendatiaon

A-1 Demonstrate knowledge of and use program constructs: selection, switch, if/then, if/then/else, repetition, loops and do while.

List the competency being assessed.  This should match one of the entries above.

Student Artifact Used: The exam or assignment used, the question number followed by the question written out.

Meets or Above Expectations: % (percentage for this question only)

Above Expectations:                           % (percentage for this question only)
            Meets Expectations:                            % (percentage for this question only)
Below Expectations:                            % (percentage for this question only)

Results: Target Achievement: Achieved or not achieved.
Recommendations: No recommendations are needed or specify recommendatiaon

A-1 Demonstrate knowledge of and use program constructs: selection, switch, if/then, if/then/else, repetition, loops and do while.

Summary of Findings for the outcome:

Meets or Exceeds Expectations:  86.6% (overall percentage)

Above Expectations:                 66.7% (overall percentage)
Meets Expectations:                  20.0% (overall percentage)
Below Expectations:                  13.3% (overall percentage)

Results: Target Achievement: Achieved

Recommendations: No action necessary.

Repeat as necessary.

Detailed Assessment of
Course Number and Name

Table 1 Course Assessment Plan

Student artifacts (assessment mechanism)
Target Student Outcomes/competencies
Exam name, Question Number
Outcome and competency such as A-1
Repeat as necessary
Repeat as necessary

Table 2 Spreadsheet for Student Performance on Student Artifacts

Student ID
Objective Competency
Exam or Assignment, question number
Need a new column for each










STU 11





Table 3 Summary of Findings
Objective Letter

Rubric score
Objective and Number
Repeat for each above

Exam or Assignment, question number
Repeat for each above
Total Exceeds
Total number of students who exceed

Total Meets
  Total number of students who meet

Total Below
  Total number of students who are below
Total Students
Number of students

Exceeds %
# exceeds / total number of students

Meets %
# exceeds / total number of students

Below %
# exceeds / total number of students

Total % of Meets and Exceeds for the competency

Overall % of Meets and Exceeds for Outcome A

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